Bright New Tomorrow

It felt so good to be in church again. Everyone seemed genuinely glad to see me. Preacher Land is still recuperating at home. He came back to the pulpit too soon and had a relapse. He has always been a “Go getter” (another southern saying). I can honestly say that I have sat in a pew for a long time and I have never been bored at all when listening to him preach or teach. Our prayers are that God will touch him and heal him so that he can be about his Father’s business, doing the one thing he loves doing and that is preaching the gospel.
I am a little tired tonight but so glad to be back in the choir. I love to sing but I had a little trouble this morning. I worried about it all afternoon and finally went into my bedroom, and got down on my knees before God. I told Him that I was sorry for the time I have wasted when I could have been in church this past year. I asked His forgiveness and told Him just how I felt about singing. That I didn’t have too many more years on earth, but what time I had left I wanted to praise Him through Singing and if He wanted me to sit with the congregation I would, but if He wanted me to sing, then He was going to have to help my voice, and I was just going to leave it at His feet. I went on to choir practice at 5 p.m. We practiced some on our Easter music and the two songs we were to do for the service. When we sang our first song, I just breezed through it, no problems.
Then when we sang our next song I did even better and cold chills ran all over me. When we went down to sit in the sanctuary, the lady behind me leaned forward and patted me on the back and said “I’m so glad you’re back in the choir”.
I don’t know about you but I think God gave me my answer!

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