My Son's Birthday

Today is your birthday, a very extra special day to me because I always go back to the beginning .The day God smiled down on me and gave me such a wonderful gift! I always knew you were special from the day I first looked at you!  Those shining brown eyes and sweet smile have never gone away. They can still warm my heart, just as much now, as they did then!
I remember your inquisitive nature!  The stories you made up, even then.  I should have known you would be a writer!  I remember when you were in first grade. I drove you to school and you looked at me and took a deep breath and said “Boy,I’m glad the traffic lady is here today!  I was getting tired of directing that traffic?” I laughed all the way home!
Remember when Loretta overheard you telling some of your little friends that they would have to be careful, that your Aunt Loretta was a vampire! You weren’t but five at that time!
And then there was the time you told Mr .England, down at the local store, that he should have been at church that Sunday, that Preacher Land’s wife was your prostitute teacher. She had SUBSTITUTED for your regular teacher.  I ran into him not long ago and he was still laughing about that! You hadn’t even started to school then! lol
You have always been the joy of my life!  God blessed you with so many talents, you’ve  had a hard time deciding that it was music!  I took you to an Art instructor when you were ten.  I tried to get you into Art, because I loved Art so much! When I went to pick you up, the instructor told me you could  draw as good any student he had ever had. He wanted to start you  on oil painting but you were not at all interested in that.
Then after you got your first Bass guitar!  I would lay awake at night, just listening  to you plunking on that guitar!  You didn’t want to put it down.  Someone told me recently that he would put you up against any Bass player in the world!  My heart just swelled because I remembered how hard you had to work to get to where you are!
You have been there for me through thick and thin! You always tried to help me to hold on, when I felt like giving up!   You used to take me on short trips with you in that BIG truck!  We would talk and talk and laugh.  You always tried to give me the best of everything, if I needed it.  I always knew, and still know, how much you love and respect me.
Thank you son, for all the blessings you have brought to my life!  For inspiring me to try new things (like  a computer) when I insisted I was too old!  For waking up every morning  with a song in my heart because of you and the love we have always had for each other, and for bringing Victoria and the girls into my life.  I am, indeed,  BLESSED beyond all measure!

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