Fried Okra

Fried Okra

No proper Southern upbringing is complete without Fried Okra. It’s easy to make, and fried okra makes a wonderful side dish to just about any meal.

Fried Okra

Fried Okra
No upbringing is complete without Fried Okra
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Course Side Dish
Servings 6


  • 2 lbs okra sliced
  • ¾ cup corn meal
  • ½ cup all-purpose flour
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ¼ cup Canola or vegetable oil
  • ½ cup buttermilk


  • Mix together corn meal, flour, and salt in a large mixing bowl.
  • Slicing okra for cooking, and make sure to discard the stem ends and the tips. They're too tough for frying.
  • While you're slicing the okra, heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. You'll know it's ready when a drop of water added to the oil will sizzle.
  • In a small bowl, drop your sliced okra into the buttermilk (this give your coating something to stick to), and then into your corn meal / flour mixture.
  • Add okra to skillet once well coated and allow to to brown on one side, about 3 minutes, before stirring.
  • Once both sides of okra have browned, about 3 more minutes, reduce heat and cook until fork tender (about 10 minutes).
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Toni J Parks

This is a great surprise. Finding these recipes here I love grits and have never cooked them. I’ve never tasted stewed potatoes but they sound delicious. Also the chocolate baked pie and okra. I’m in heaven. Thank you.

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