A Letter To Senior Sojourners

Dear Church Family,
As I write this my heart is full of praise to God for His goodness and for answering prayer. We had quite a scare last week with our sister, Loretta, but everything turned out fine and she is back at work this week.
Our hearts also go out to Mr. Dellinger, who lost his brother.
Bobby Bridges goes back to the doctor tomorrow. Our prayers are with him and Norma, that he will get a good report.
It seems as we get older things start going wrong health-wise, but our journey with Jesus gets sweeter, doesn’t it? I always loved that Gaither song “The Longer I Serve Him, The Sweeter He Grows”.
Sometimes the way seems to get a little hard for me, and sometimes I feel discouraged. That’s when Satan jumps in and tries to tell me I will never be what God wants me to be, but I just say “Satan, get thee behind me in the name of Jesus” and brother, he takes off!!
I’ve been singing the song the choir sang Sunday morning for a few days now. “I’ve Been Through The Blood”. Isn’t that the prettiest song?
If you’ve been through the blood and you keep your hand solidly in God’s hand and trust Him with all your heart, He’s going to take care of you. No matter the sickness or pain you encounter along the way! If He has taken care of me, for coming up on 68 years, I’m pretty sure I can trust him to take me the rest of the way home!
Remember our trip to Fruitland April 10th and our revival coming up in April also.
Keep praying and trusting. Folks, as the song says, “It’s Almost Over And We’ll Be Going Home”. But we still have a lot of work to do here first.
I love you all.
Your sister in Christ,
Peggy Chaney

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Gail Adams

My aunt & uncle lived in Kings Mt. for many, many years. And, as a child I spent many vacations with them, in town and out at Lake Montonio. Aunt Marion & Charlie Carpenter were the best. My mom, was Aunt Marion’s sister, Annabel. So great to “meet” some one from Kings Mt.!!! Best Wishes to you and your business…. 🙂

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